

what lives in the heart of doxa deo

Doxa Deo functions as ONE CHURCH in a city with a variety of campuses and ministries. Everything we do focusses on equipping and raising up people to become agents of positive change in their world, City Changers who Know God, Love People and Impact Their World.

We have a mission to positively influence every sector of society with the values and the purposes of Jesus. We believe that church, education, social services, business, media, arts, sports and civil society will flourish when the life giving values of Jesus Christ are applied in these areas.

We are a Family on Mission!


IN PERSON  | 19 May 2022, 2pm – 5pm [GMT]
WATCH ONLINE | Visit our YouTube Channel / Click the “Watch Live” Button














how do i join?

Why do we talk about Partnership?

It is important to us that people would move from simply attending our church gatherings to actually engaging relationships, activities and the mission of our Church.

The Bible uses many different metaphors for the Church like a bride, an army, a building and a body. We love the metaphor from 1 Corinthians 3:9 that says that we are co-labourers with God.

It was out of this scripture that the concept of partnership was established. We are not just members of a church, we are partners with God for His mission on earth.

Partnership implies that we use our time, talents and treasures to build God’s Kingdom everywhere we function and live.

Time: We manage our time well as we prioritise Church Life.

Talents: We use our unique talents and gifts to build the body of Christ.

Treasures: We invest our money and resources to build the Church of Jesus Christ.

How do I become a Partner?​

Please contact us in order to join our New Partners process. Be sure to engage with our discipleship programs after that. Our prayer is that you will find your place and fulfil your calling in the body of Christ.

Contact [insert contact name]

[contact number]
or [email address]
and we will get back to you.

About our Staff

Church is much more than just a service on Sundays. For us it’s about connecting with others, growing in your faith and building a strong foundation for your family. The mission of every employee of Doxa Deo Auckland is to equip partners to Know God, Love People, and Impact Their World.

Our Team

Jean Symons

Jean Symons

Campus Pastor

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Jean Symons

Jean Symons

Campus Pastor

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Jean Symons

Jean Symons

Campus Pastor

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Jean Symons

Jean Symons

Campus Pastor

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